
Showing posts from October, 2020

Spring Boot MySQL Kubernetes Minikube Example

Spring Boot MySQL Kubernetes Minikube Example Introduction         Kubernetes is one of the best and most popular ways to deploy any application on the cloud today. There are many tutorials based on hello world kind of applications online, but they cannot be used to understand the full end to end implementation/deployment steps on Kubernetes. Hence I decided to come up with this tutorial.           In this tutorial we will be deploying a Spring Boot MySQL Microservice on Kubernetes. We will be using a local minikube cluster to deploy this microservice.         If you are a beginner in Docker, Containers, Docker Images and using Dockerfile, then I strongly recommend that you read the blog posts below to understand more about them: Dropwizard Docker Example : This post gives you an overview of Docker, simple Docker commands, Dockerfile, dockerizing a simple ...

Spring Boot MySQL Docker Compose Example

 Spring Boot MySQL Docker Compose Example Introduction         I was looking online for a simple example/tutorial on how to dockerize my existing Spring Boot and MySQL Database Microsevice using Docker Compose/Docker. Most of the tutorials have complicated examples/complex steps explained. Hence I have come up with this post to explain about Docker Compose and its usage in simple steps.          In this tutorial we will be dockerizing an existing SpringBoot fat jar with database related configurations along with MySQL database, building it and running the microservice.         To learn about Docker, simple Docker commands, Dockerfile, dockerizing a simple application and Docker Hub, please read my blog post:  Dropwizard Docker Example . Docker Compose         Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applicatio...