

PHP MySQL REST API CRUD Tutorial Introduction         I was looking for a simple Full Stack PHP CRUD REST API Tutorial online, but there was not one tutorial which had both the UI and the REST APIs together. In most of the tutorials either the UI only is explained or else the REST APIs are explained without the UI. Hence I decided to come up with a simple post on this which can be used as a base to build your own full stack PHP app.         In this post, we will build an Employee Dashboard App which can be used to view, create, update and delete Employee Data. We will be building the corresponding CRUD APIs.  PHP         PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), originally stood for “Personal Home Page” and is a scripting language used for web development. Advantages of PHP include: State: Each and every web request starts from a completely blank slate. Concurrency: Each and every web request runs in a single PHP thread.

Dropwizard AWS LocalStack Tutorial

Dropwizard AWS LocalStack Tutorial Introduction         Dropwizard is one of the most popular frameworks used today for building microservices. I was looking for a simple Dropwizard AWS LocalStack Tutorial online, but there are a very few tutorials. Some are very tough to follow. Hence I decided to come up with a simple post on this topic.         In this tutorial, we will focus on creating a Dropwizard App and integrating it with AWS SQS(Simple Queue Service) and SNS(Simple Notification Service). Then we will make a SQS Queue to subscribe to a SNS Topic, publish a message on the topic and retrieve it on the SQS Queue. LocalStack         LocalStack is a fully functional local cloud stack. With LocalSatck, you can run your AWS Applications or Lambdas on your local machine without connecting to a remote cloud provider. To know more about LocalStack please visit their  website . I am assuming that you have a Basic Knowledge of Dropwizard and have a