How to setup Redis on Windows

Step 1: Download Redis

Officially Windows is not supported. But there is a well maintained port for Windows based on Redis. This can be used. Download the latest release of the Redis from here. I have downloaded

Step 2: Extract the zip file

Extract the zip to a desired directory.

Step 3: Start Redis and access it

Open a command prompt window at the Redis extract folder location and run the following command to start Redis: 
run redis-server.exe
Open another command prompt window at the Redis extract folder location and run the following command to access Redis using Command Line Interface (CLI):
Here are a few useful Redis CLI commands:
D:\Programs\Redis-x64-3.2.100>redis-cli.exe> ping
PONG> keys *
(empty list or set)
redis> set key1 value1
redis> get key1
You can read about more about Redis CLI by visiting their website.
To get all Redis commands, please check Redis Commands Page.


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