Machine Learning and NLP Chatbot

Machine Learning and NLP Chatbot


        Chatbots are able to translate and interpret human natural language input through a combination of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and Machine Learning. In this post I will show you how this can be done. This post is the second part of the tutorial on chatbots. To learn a few basic concepts and how to build a simple chatbot using NLTK, please refer to my first part tutorial: NLTK Chatbot Tutorial.
I have named the chatbot as SmartBot. The SmartBot presented in this post, works in 3 basic modes:
  1. Chat Mode(return learned responses from previous exchanges)
  2. Statement Mode(accept a statement or fact and store it in the database)
  3. Question Mode (accept a question and try to answer it based on previously stored statements)

Requirements to Run the Application

  1. Anaconda.
  2. Java.
  3. MySQL Database
  4. Intellij IDE with Python Community Edition Plugin.
 Anaconda bundles up Python installation and the most widely used Python libraries for your machine.  If Anaconda is not installed, then Python needs to be installed separately and the individual Python libraries need to be downloaded using the pip install command which would be very time consuming. Hence Anaconda should be setup on your machine. To setup and verify if Anaconda is installed, please refer to my post on: Anaconda Setup.
MySQL Database should be setup and running in your machine. To setup, run and test if the MySQL Database is working fine, please refer to my post on: MySQL Database Setup.

Step 1: Setup Chatbot Environment

Libraries related to MySQL DB, NLTK and Machine Learning need to be installed. In the Anaconda Prompt, execute the following commands one by one:
conda install pymysql
conda install nltk
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install pandas
conda install scikit-learn
To download NLTK Data, execute the following commands in Anaconda Prompt. Here is a sample of the command execution and results in Anaconda Prompt:
$ python
>>> import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /home/botuser/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping tokenizers/

[nltk_data] Downloading package averaged_perceptron_tagger to
[nltk_data]     /home/botuser/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping taggers/

[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     /home/botuser/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping corpora/
Download Stanford NLP JARs from: Stanford NLP Website. I have downloaded the version 3.7.0 and the download file name is:

Create a file named as config.ini and this file will have the details of all the configurations that will be used by our chatbot. Edit this file as per the DB User/ DB Name/ Java Location/ JAR Location that are present in your machine. Here is config.ini:
server: localhost
dbuser: root
dbname: softwaredevelopercentral
dbcharset: utf8mb4

tcp_socket: 3333
listen_queue: 10

[Java]  #required for Stanford CoreNLP
bin: D:\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_161\bin

corejar: D:\projects\other\NLPBot\lib\stanford-corenlp-3.7.0.jar
modelsjar: D:\projects\other\NLPBot\lib\stanford-corenlp-3.7.0-models.jar

assoc: False
weight: False
itemid: False
match: False
server: False
answer: False
If you observe, in this file, I have setup the following:
  1. MySQL DB Details
  2. Bot Server Host and Port
  3. Java JDK location to be used by Stanford CoreNLP
  4. Stanford NLP JAR locations 
Creation of Training Data
I have created a CSV file with sentences that have been classified into S - Sentence, Q - Question, C - Clause
This CSV is named as classifySentences.csv and can be found in the data folder in the project structure.
I am then using the code in to read a CSV of sentences that have been classified (classifySentences.csv) and dump out the features using into a Dump CSV (featuresDump.csv).
featuresDump.csv can be found in the dumps folder in the project structure.

Re-Build the SciKit-Learn ML Model
Due to few binary compatibility issues, usually the ML model must be re-built. Execute the following command:
(or) In Intellij, right click and run the file
This reads in training data from ./dumps/featuresDump.csv and writes it out to ./

Step 2: Test DB Connectivity and Setup DB Tables

To test database connectivity and setup DB Tables required by our SmartBot, use the following Python Commands:
(or) If you prefer Intellij:
To Test DB Connectivity, right click and run the file
To Setup DB Tables required by our SmartBot, right click and run the file
Also note that at any time if you wish to clean up the database and start afresh, you can execute the file

Step 3: Create files required by the Chatbot

1. Main Chatbot logic is present in Here is
import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import random
import re
import string
from collections import Counter
from math import sqrt
from string import punctuation

from nltk.parse.stanford import StanfordDependencyParser

weight = 0

import helpers  # General utils including config params and database connection
import extractfeatures # module for extracting features from sentence to use with ML models
conf = helpers.get_config()

NO_CHAT_DATA = "Sorry, I do not know what to say."
NO_ANSWER_DATA = "Sorry, I cannot find an answer to that."

STATEMENT_STORED = ["Thanks, I've made a note of that.",
                    "Thanks for telling me that.",
                    "OK, I've stored that information.",
                    "OK, I've made a note of that."]

toBool = lambda str: True if str == "True" else False 

## Get Config from Config.ini File ##
DEBUG_ASSOC = toBool(conf["DEBUG"]["assoc"]) 
DEBUG_WEIGHT = toBool(conf["DEBUG"]["weight"])
DEBUG_ITEMID = toBool(conf["DEBUG"]["itemid"])
DEBUG_MATCH = toBool(conf["DEBUG"]["match"])
DEBUG_ANSWER = toBool(conf["DEBUG"]["answer"])

JAVA_HOME = conf["Java"]["bin"]
STANFORD_NLP = conf["StanfordNLP"]["corejar"]
STANFORD_MODELS = conf["StanfordNLP"]["modelsjar"]

os.environ['JAVAHOME'] = JAVA_HOME  # Set this to where the JDK is 

## End of Config ##

#Strip non-alpha chars out - basic protection for SQL strings built out of concat ops
##clean = lambda str: ''.join(ch for ch in str if ch.isalnum())

def hashtext(stringText):
    """Return a string with first 16 numeric chars from hashing a given string
    #hashlib md5 returns same hash for given string each time
    return hashlib.md5(str(stringText).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:16]

def get_or_add_item(entityName, text, cursor):
    """Retrieve an entity's unique ID from the database, given its associated text.
    If the row is not already present, it is inserted.
    The entity can either be a sentence or a word."""
    #entityName = clean(entityName)
    #text = clean(text)
    tableName = entityName + 's'
    columnName = entityName
    alreadyExists = False

    #check whether 16-char hash of this text exists already
    hashid = hashtext(text)
    SQL = 'SELECT hashid FROM ' + tableName + ' WHERE hashID = %s'
    if (DEBUG_ITEMID == True): print("DEBUG ITEMID: " + SQL)
    cursor.execute(SQL, (hashid))
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    if row:
        if (DEBUG_ITEMID == True): print("DEBUG ITEMID: item found, just return hashid:",row["hashid"], " for ", text )
        alreadyExists = True
        return row["hashid"], alreadyExists
        if (DEBUG_ITEMID == True): print("DEBUG ITEMID: no item found, insert new hashid into",tableName, " hashid:", hashid, " text:",text )
        SQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + tableName + ' (hashid, ' + columnName + ') VALUES (%s, %s)'
        alreadyExists = False
        cursor.execute(SQL, (hashid, text))
        return hashid, alreadyExists 

def get_words(text):
    """Retrieve the words present in a given string of text.
    The return value is a list of tuples where the first member is a lowercase word,
    and the second member the number of time it is present in the text.  Example:
      IN:  "Did the cow jump over the moon?"
      OUT: dict_items([('cow', 1), ('jump', 1), ('moon', 1), ('?', 1), ('over', 1), ('the', 2), ('did', 1)])
    puncRegexp = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
    text = puncRegexp.sub('',text )
    wordsRegexpString = '\w+'
    wordsRegexp = re.compile(wordsRegexpString)
    wordsList = wordsRegexp.findall(text.lower())
    return Counter(wordsList).items()    

def set_association(words, sentence_id, cursor):
    """ Pass in "words" which is a list of tuples - each tuple is word,count
    ("a_word" and count of occurences - i.e. ("the", 3) means the occurred 3 times in sentence)
    Nothing is returned by this function - it just updates the associations table in the database
    If current association for a word_id is 0, a new word-sentence association is added
    If current association for a word_id is > 0, the word-sentence association is updated with a new weight
    which is just the existing association weight (passed back by get_association) and the new weight

    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words]) # int giving number of chars in words
    # Looping through Bot-Words, associating them with Human Sentence
    for word, n in words:                 
        word_id, exists = get_or_add_item('word', word, cursor) # if the ID doesn't exist, a new word + hash ID is inserted
        weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))  # repeated words get higher weight.  Longer sentences reduces their weight
        #Association shows that a Bot-Word is associated with a Human-Sentence
        # Bot learns by associating our responses with its words
        association = get_association(word_id,sentence_id, cursor)
        if association > 0:
            if (DEBUG_ASSOC == True): print("DEBUG_ASSOC: got an association for", word, " value: ", association, " with sentence_id:", sentence_id)
            SQL = 'UPDATE associations SET weight = %s WHERE word_id = %s AND sentence_id = %s'
            if (DEBUG_ASSOC == True): print("DEBUG_ASSOC:", SQL, weight, word_id, sentence_id) 
            cursor.execute(SQL, (association+weight, word_id, sentence_id))
            SQL = 'INSERT INTO associations (word_id, sentence_id, weight) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)'
            if (DEBUG_ASSOC == True): print("DEBUG_ASSOC:", SQL,word_id, sentence_id, weight)
            cursor.execute(SQL, (word_id, sentence_id, weight))

def get_association(word_id,sentence_id, cursor):
    """Get the weighting associating a Word with a Sentence-Response
    If no association found, return 0
    This is called in the set_association routine to check if there is already an association
    associations are referred to in the get_matches() fn, to match input sentences to response sentences
    SQL = 'SELECT weight FROM associations WHERE word_id =%s AND sentence_id =%s'
    if (DEBUG_ASSOC == True): print("DEBUG_ASSOC:", SQL,word_id, sentence_id)
    cursor.execute(SQL, (word_id,sentence_id))
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    if row:
        weight = row["weight"]
        weight = 0
    return weight

def retrieve_matches(words, cursor):
    """ Retrieve the most likely sentence-response from the database
    pass in humanWords, calculate a weighting factor for different sentences based on data in 
    associations table.
    passback ordered list of results (maybe only need to return single row?)  
    results = []
    listSize = 10

    cursor.execute('DELETE FROM results WHERE connection_id = connection_id()')
    # calc "words_length" for weighting calc
    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])  
    if (DEBUG_MATCH == True): print("DEBUG_MATCH: words list", words, " words_length:", words_length )
    for word, n in words:
        #weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))  # repeated words get higher weight.  Longer sentences reduces their weight
        weight = (n / float(words_length))
        SQL = 'INSERT INTO results \
                 SELECT connection_id(), associations.sentence_id, sentences.sentence, %s * associations.weight/(1+sentences.used) \
                 FROM words \
                 INNER JOIN associations ON associations.word_id=words.hashid \
                 INNER JOIN sentences ON sentences.hashid=associations.sentence_id \
                 WHERE words.word = %s'
        if (DEBUG_MATCH == True): print("DEBUG_MATCH: ", SQL, " weight = ",weight , "word = ", word)
        cursor.execute(SQL, (weight, word)) 
    if (DEBUG_MATCH == True): print("DEBUG_MATCH: ", SQL)
    cursor.execute('SELECT sentence_id, sentence, SUM(weight) AS sum_weight \
                    FROM results \
                    WHERE connection_id = connection_id() \
                    GROUP BY sentence_id, sentence  \
                    ORDER BY sum_weight DESC')
    # Fetch an ordered "listSize" number of results
    for i in range(0,listSize):
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        if row:
            results.append([row["sentence_id"], row["sentence"], row["sum_weight"]])
            if (DEBUG_MATCH == True): print("**",[row["sentence_id"], row["sentence"], row["sum_weight"]],"\n")
    cursor.execute('DELETE FROM results WHERE connection_id = connection_id()')
    return results

def feedback_stats(sentence_id, cursor, previous_sentence_id = None, sentiment = True):
    Feedback usage of sentence stats, tune model based on user response.
    SQL = 'UPDATE sentences SET used=used+1 WHERE hashid=%s'
    cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id))
def train_me(inputSentence, responseSentence, cursor):
    inputWords = get_words(inputSentence) #list of tuples of words + occurrence count
    responseSentenceID, exists = get_or_add_item('sentence', responseSentence, cursor)
    set_association(inputWords, responseSentenceID, cursor)
def sentence_rf_class(sentence):
    Pass in a sentence, with unique ID and pass back a classification code
    Use a pre-built Random Forest model to determine classification based on
    features extracted from the sentence.  
    # Load a pre-built Random Forest Model
    with open(RF_MODEL_LOCATION, 'rb') as f:
        rf = pickle.load(f)
    id = hashtext(sentence)  #features needs an ID passing in at moment - maybe redundant?
    fseries = extractfeatures.features_series(extractfeatures.features_dict(id, sentence))
    width = len(fseries)
    fseries = fseries[1:width-1]  #All but the first and last item (strip ID and null class off)
    #Get a classification prediction from the Model, based on supplied features
    sentence_class = rf.predict([fseries])[0].strip()
    return sentence_class

def get_grammar(sentence):
    Use Stanford CoreNLP to extract grammar from Stanford NLP Java utility
       root topic (lower-case string - "Core"),
       subj (list with main subj first, compounds after) 
       obj (list with main obj first, compounds after)
    os.environ['JAVAHOME'] = JAVA_HOME  # Set this to where the JDK is
    dependency_parser = StanfordDependencyParser(path_to_jar=STANFORD_NLP, path_to_models_jar=STANFORD_MODELS)
    regexpSubj = re.compile(r'subj')
    regexpObj = re.compile(r'obj')
    regexpMod = re.compile(r'mod')
    regexpNouns = re.compile("^N.*|^PR.*")
    sentence = sentence.lower()

    #return grammar Compound Modifiers for given word
    def get_compounds(triples, word):
        compounds = []
        for t in triples:
            if t[0][0] == word:
                if t[2][1] not in ["CC", "DT", "EX", "LS", "RP", "SYM", "TO", "UH", "PRP"]:
        mods = []
        for c in compounds:
            mods.append(get_modifier(triples, c))
        return compounds
    def get_modifier(triples, word):
        modifier = []
        for t in triples:
            if t[0][0] == word:
        return modifier

    #Get grammar Triples from Stanford Parser
    result = dependency_parser.raw_parse(sentence)
    dep = next(result)  # get next item from the iterator result
    #Get word-root or "topic"
    root = [dep.root["word"]]
    root.append(get_compounds(dep.triples(), root[0]))
    root.append(get_modifier(dep.triples(), root[0]))
    subj = []
    obj = []
    lastNounA = ""
    lastNounB = ""
    for t in dep.triples():
            subj.append(t[2][0] )
            lastNounA = t[0][0]
            lastNounB = t[2][0]
    return list(helpers.flatten([root])), list(helpers.flatten([subj])), list(helpers.flatten([obj])), list(helpers.flatten([lastNounA])), list(helpers.flatten([lastNounB]))
def store_statement(sentence, cursor):
    #Write the sentence to SENTENCES with hashid = id, used = 1 OR update used if already there
    sentence_id, exists = get_or_add_item('sentence', sentence, cursor)
    SQL = 'UPDATE sentences SET used=used+1 WHERE hashid=%s'
    cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id))
    #If the sentence already exists, assume the statement grammar is already there
    if not exists:
        topic, subj,obj,lastNounA, lastnounB = get_grammar(sentence)
        lastNouns = lastNounA + lastnounB
        for word in topic:
            word_id, exists = get_or_add_item('word', word, cursor)
            SQL = "INSERT INTO statements (sentence_id, word_id, class) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) "
            cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id, word_id, 'topic'))
        for word in subj:
            word_id, exists = get_or_add_item('word', word, cursor)
            SQL = "INSERT INTO statements (sentence_id, word_id, class) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) "
            cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id, word_id, 'subj'))
        for word in obj:
            word_id, exists = get_or_add_item('word', word, cursor)
            SQL = "INSERT INTO statements (sentence_id, word_id, class) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) "
            cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id, word_id, 'obj'))
        for word in lastNouns:
            word_id, exists = get_or_add_item('word', word, cursor)
            SQL = "INSERT INTO statements (sentence_id, word_id, class) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) "
            cursor.execute(SQL, (sentence_id, word_id, 'nouns'))

def get_answer(sentence, cursor):
    """ Retrieve the most likely question-answer response from the database
    pass in humanWords "sentence", extract a grammar for it, query from statements
    table based on subject and other grammar components,
    passback ordered list of results , up to "listSize" in size  
    results = []
    listSize = 10
    topic,subj,obj,lastNounA,lastNounB = get_grammar(sentence)
    subj_topic = subj + topic
    subj_obj = subj + obj
    full_grammar = topic + subj + obj + lastNounA + lastNounB 
    full_grammar_in = ' ,'.join(list(map(lambda x: '%s', full_grammar))) # SQL in-list fmt
    subj_in = ' ,'.join(list(map(lambda x: '%s', subj_topic))) # SQL in-list fmt
    if (DEBUG_ANSWER == True): print("DEBUG_ANSWER: grammar: SUBJ", subj, " TOPIC", topic, " OBJ:", obj, " L-NOUNS:", lastNounA + lastNounB)
    if (DEBUG_ANSWER == True): print("DEBUG_ANSWER: subj_in", subj_in, "\nsubj_topic", subj_topic, "\nfull_grammar_in", full_grammar_in, "\nfull_grammer", full_grammar)
    SQL1 = """SELECT count(*) score, statements.sentence_id sentence_id, sentences.sentence
    FROM statements
    INNER JOIN words ON statements.word_id = words.hashid
    INNER JOIN sentences ON sentences.hashid = statements.sentence_id
    WHERE words.word IN (%s) """
    SQL2 = """
    AND statements.sentence_id in (
        SELECT sentence_id
        FROM statements
        INNER JOIN words ON statements.word_id = words.hashid
        WHERE statements.class in ('subj','topic')  -- start with subset of statements covering question subj/topic
        AND words.word IN (%s)
    GROUP BY statements.sentence_id, sentences.sentence
    ORDER BY score desc
    SQL1 = SQL1 % full_grammar_in
    SQL2 = SQL2 % subj_in
    SQL = SQL1 + SQL2
    #if (DEBUG_ANSWER == True): print("SQL: ", SQL, "\n  args full_grammer_in: ", full_grammar_in, "\n  args subj_in", subj_in)
    cursor.execute(SQL, full_grammar + subj_topic)
    for i in range(0,listSize):
        row = cursor.fetchone()
        if row:
            results.append([row["sentence_id"], row["score"], row["sentence"]])
            if (DEBUG_ANSWER == True): print("DEBUG_ANSWER: ", row["sentence_id"], row["score"], row["sentence"])
    # increment score for each subject / object match - sentence words are in row[2] col
    i = 0
    top_score = 0 # top score
    for row in results:  
        word_count_dict = get_words(row[2])   
        subj_obj_score = sum( [value for key, value in word_count_dict if key in subj_obj] )
        results[i][1] = results[i][1] + subj_obj_score
        if results[i][1] > top_score: top_score = results[i][1]
        i = i + 1
    #filter out the top-score results
    results = [l for l in results if l[1] == top_score]
    return results   
def chat_flow(cursor, humanSentence, weight):
    trainMe = False # if true, the bot requests some help
    checkStore = False # if true, the bot checks if we want to store this as a fact
    humanWords = get_words(humanSentence)
    weight = 0
    #Get the sentence classification based on RF model
    classification = sentence_rf_class(humanSentence)
    ## Statement ##
    if classification == 'S':   
        # Verify - do we want to store it?
        checkStore = True
        botSentence = "OK, I think that is a Statement."
        ##store_statement(humanSentence, cursor)
        ##botSentence = random.choice(STATEMENT_STORED)

    ## Question
    elif classification == 'Q':
        answers = get_answer(humanSentence, cursor)
        if len(answers) > 0:
            answer = ""
            weight = int(answers[0][1])
            if weight > 1:
                for a in answers:
                     answer = answer + "\n" + a[2]

                botSentence = answer
                botSentence = NO_ANSWER_DATA
            botSentence = NO_ANSWER_DATA
    ## Chat ##
    elif classification == 'C':
        # Take the human-words and try to find a matching response based on a weighting-factor
        chat_matches = retrieve_matches(humanWords, cursor)    #get_matches returns ordered list of matches for words:
        if len(chat_matches) == 0:
            botSentence = NO_CHAT_DATA
            trainMe = True
            sentence_id, botSentence, weight = chat_matches[0]
            if weight > ACCURACY_THRESHOLD:
                # tell the database the sentence has been used and other feedback
                feedback_stats(sentence_id, cursor)
                train_me(botSentence, humanSentence, cursor)
                botSentence = NO_CHAT_DATA
                trainMe = True
        raise RuntimeError('unhandled sentence classification') from error
    return botSentence, weight, trainMe, checkStore

if __name__ == "__main__":    
    conf = helpers.get_config()
    regexpYes = re.compile(r'yes')
    DBHOST = conf["MySQL"]["server"] 
    DBUSER = conf["MySQL"]["dbuser"]
    DBNAME = conf["MySQL"]["dbname"]
    print("Starting Bot...") 
    # initialize the connection to the database
    print("Connecting to database...")
    connection = helpers.db_connection(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBNAME)
    cursor =  connection.cursor()
    connectionID = helpers.db_connectionid(cursor)
    trainMe = False
    checkStore = False
    botSentence = 'Hello!'
    while True:
        # Output bot's message
        if DEBUG_WEIGHT:
            print('Bot> ' + botSentence + ' DEBUG_WEIGHT:' + str(round(weight,5) ) )
            print('Bot> ' + botSentence)
        if trainMe:
            print('Bot> Please can you train me - enter a response for me to learn (Enter to Skip)' )
            previousSentence = humanSentence
            humanSentence = input('>>> ').strip()
            if len(humanSentence) > 0:
                train_me(previousSentence, humanSentence, cursor)
                print("Bot> Thanks I've noted that" )
                print("Bot> OK, moving on..." )
                trainMe = False
        if checkStore:
            print('Bot> Shall I store that as a fact for future reference?  ("yes" to store)' )
            previousSentence = humanSentence
            humanSentence = input('>>> ').strip()
                #Store previous Sentence
                store_statement(previousSentence, cursor)

                print("Bot> OK, moving on..." )
                checkStore = False
        # Ask for user input; if blank line, exit the loop
        humanSentence = input('>>> ').strip()
        if humanSentence == '' or humanSentence.strip(punctuation).lower() == 'quit' or humanSentence.strip(punctuation).lower() == 'exit':
        botSentence, weight, trainMe, checkStore = chat_flow(cursor, humanSentence, weight)

2. Helper utilities is present in Here is
import configparser
import datetime
import os
import sys

import pymysql  #


class ConfigFileAccessError(Exception):

def fileexists(CONFIGFILE):
    return(os.path.isfile(CONFIGFILE) )

def get_config():
    """ Load parameter and configuration values from the CONFIGFILE
    A nested dictionary is passed back in following format
      {"ConfigClass" : { param1 : value, param2 : value ... }
    The config file is in standard Python .ini fmt, EG:
        dbuser: simplebot
        dbname: simplebot
        dbcharset: utf8mb4
    The above example can then be ref'd:
        config = utils.get_config()
        username = config["MySQL"]["dbuser"]      
    CONFIGFILE = "./config/config.ini"
    Config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    config = {}   # Dictionary of "section" keys.  Each value is a sub-dict of key-vals    
    if fileexists(CONFIGFILE):
        for section in Config.sections():

            subdict = {}
            options = Config.options(section)
            for option in options:
                key = option
                val = Config.get(section,option)
                subdict[option] = Config.get(section,option)
            config[section] = subdict
        raise ConfigFileAccessError(CONFIGFILE)

    return config

def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"):
    """Ask a yes/no question via raw_input() and return their answer.
    The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no".
    - a Cut-and-Paste piece of code from Stack Overflow
    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True,
             "no": False, "n": False}
    if default is None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

    while True:
        sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
        choice = input().lower()
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid:
            return valid[choice]
            sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")
#  Flatten out a list of lists (taken from SO: 
def flatten(container):
    for i in container:
        if isinstance(i, (list,tuple)):
            for j in flatten(i):
                yield j
            yield i  
def db_connection(host, user, dbname, charset = "utf8mb4"):
    Connect to a MySQL Database Server

    connection = pymysql.connect(host = host
                                , user = user
                                , password = password
                                , db = dbname
                                , charset = charset
                                , cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
    connection = pymysql.connect(host = host
                                 , user = user
                                 , db = dbname
                                 , charset = charset
                                 , cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
    return connection

def db_connectionid(cursor):
    cursor.execute('SELECT connection_id()', (None))
    value = cursor.fetchone()["connection_id()"]

def timestamp_string():
    timestamp_string = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
3. As mentioned above, I am then using the code in to read a CSV of sentences that have been classified (classifySentences.csv) and dump out the features using into a Dump CSV (featuresDump.csv).
Here is
# Use the file to dump out features
# Read a CSV of sentences and bulk-dump to featuresDump.csv of features

#Input CSV fmt:  1st field is sentence ID, 2nd field is text to process, 3rd field is class

import csv
import sys
import hashlib

import extractfeatures # is bepoke util to extract NLTK POS features from sentences

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    FNAME = sys.argv[1]
    FNAME = './data/classifySentences.csv'
print("reading input from ", FNAME)

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    FOUT = sys.argv[2]
    FOUT = './dumps/featuresDump.csv'
print("Writing output to ", FOUT)

fin = open(FNAME, 'rt')
fout = open(FOUT, 'wt', newline='')

keys = ["id",

reader = csv.reader(fin)

loopCount = 0
next(reader)  #Assume we have a header 
for line in reader:
    sentence = line[0]  
    c = line[1]        #class-label
    id = hashlib.md5(str(sentence).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:16] # generate a unique ID
    output = ""  
    header = ""
    f = extractfeatures.features_dict(id,sentence, c)
    for key in keys:
        value = f[key]
        header = header + ", " + key 
        output = output + ", " + str(value)

    if loopCount == 0:   # only extract and print header for first dict item
        header = header[1:]               #strip the first ","" off
        fout.writelines(header + '\n')
    output = output[1:]               #strip the first ","" off
    loopCount = loopCount + 1            
    fout.writelines(output + '\n')

4. To extract features from sentences using NLTK use the file Here is
# pass in a sentence, pass out it's features #

import nltk
from nltk import word_tokenize

lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()
sno = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer('english')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

import pandas as pd  # Use Pandas to create pandas Series in features_series()  

import sys
import hashlib
import re
import string
import itertools

line = ["xxx","Oracle 12.2 will be released for on-premises users on 15 March 2017",0,"S"]

pos = []           #list of PartsOfSpeech

output = ""        #comma separated string 
header = ""        #string for describing features header 

VerbCombos = ['VB',

questionTriples = ['CD-VB-VBN',
                   'MD-PRP-VB' ,
                   'MD-VB-CD' ,
                   'NN-IN-DT' ,
                   'PRP-VB-PRP' ,
                   'PRP-WP-NNP' ,
                   'VB-CD-VB' ,
                   'VB-PRP-WP' ,
                   'VBZ-DT-NN' ,
                   'WP-VBZ-DT' ,
                   'WP-VBZ-NNP' ,

statementTriples = ['DT-JJ-NN',

startTuples = ['NNS-DT',

endTuples = ['IN-NN',

# Because python dict's return key-vals in random order, provide ordered list to pass to ML models
feature_keys = ["id",

def strip_sentence(sentence):
    sentence = sentence.strip(",")
    sentence = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, sentence))  #strip out non-alpha-numerix
    sentence = sentence.translate(str.maketrans('','',string.punctuation)) #strip punctuation

# Pass in a list of strings (i.e. PoS types) and the sentence to check PoS types for
# check if *Any Pair Combo* of the PoS types list exists in the sentence PoS types
# return a count of occurrence
def exists_pair_combos(comboCheckList, sentence):
    pos = get_pos(sentence)
    tag_string = "-".join([ i[1] for i in pos ])
    combo_list = []
    for pair in itertools.permutations(comboCheckList,2):
        if(pair[0] == "MD"):  # * Kludge - strip off leading MD *
            pair = ["",""]
    if any(code in tag_string for code in combo_list):
     return 1
        return 0
# Parts Of Speech
def get_pos(sentence):
    sentenceParsed = word_tokenize(sentence)
# Count Q-Marks    
def count_qmark(sentence):
    return(sentence.count("?") )
# Count a specific POS-Type
#VBG = count_POSType(pos,'VBG')
def count_POSType(pos, ptype):
    count = 0
    tags = [ i[1] for i in pos ]
    #if ptype in tags:
    #    VBG = 1
# Does Verb occur before first Noun
def exists_vb_before_nn(pos):
    pos_tags = [ i[1] for i in pos ]
    #Strip the Verbs to all just "V"
    pos_tags = [ re.sub(r'V.*','V', str) for str in pos_tags ]
    #Strip the Nouns to all just "NN"
    pos_tags = [ re.sub(r'NN.*','NN', str) for str in pos_tags ]
    vi =99
    ni =99
    mi =99
    #Get first NN index
    if "NN" in pos_tags:
        ni = pos_tags.index("NN")
    #Get first V index
    if "V" in pos_tags:
        vi = pos_tags.index("V")
    #get Modal Index
    if "MD" in pos_tags:
        mi = pos_tags.index("MD")

    if vi < ni or mi < ni :

# Stemmed sentence ends in "NN-NN"?  
def exists_stemmed_end_NN(stemmed):
    stemmedEndNN = 0
    stemmed_end = get_first_last_tuples(" ".join(stemmed))[1]
    if stemmed_end == "NN-NN":
        stemmedEndNN = 1

# Go through the predefined list of start-tuples, 1 / 0 if given startTuple occurs in the list
def exists_startTuple(startTuple):    
    exists_startTuples = []
    for tstring in startTuples:  #startTuples defined as global var
        if startTuple in tstring:

# Go through the predefined list of end-tuples, 1 / 0 if given Tuple occurs in the list    
def exists_endTuple(endTuple):
    exists_endTuples = []
    for tstring in endTuples:    #endTuples defined as global var
        if endTuple in tstring:

#loop round list of triples and construct a list of binary 1/0 vals if triples occur in list
def exists_triples(triples, tripleSet):
    exists = []
    for tstring in tripleSet:   
        if tstring in triples:

# Get a sentence and spit out the POS triples
def get_triples(pos):
    list_of_triple_strings = []
    pos = [ i[1] for i in pos ]  # extract the 2nd element of the POS tuples in list
    n = len(pos)
    if n > 2:  # need to have three items
        for i in range(0,n-2):
            t = "-".join(pos[i:i+3]) # pull out 3 list item from counter, convert to string
    return list_of_triple_strings 
def get_first_last_tuples(sentence):
    first_last_tuples = []
    sentenceParsed = word_tokenize(sentence)
    pos = nltk.pos_tag(sentenceParsed) #Parts Of Speech
    pos = [ i[1] for i in pos ]  # extract the 2nd element of the POS tuples in list
    n = len(pos)
    first = ""
    last = ""
    if n > 1:  # need to have three items
        first = "-".join(pos[0:2]) # pull out first 2 list items
        last = "-".join(pos[-2:]) # pull out last 2 list items
    first_last_tuples = [first, last]
    return first_last_tuples

def lemmatize(sentence):    
    pass  in  a sentence as a string, return just core text that has been "lematised"
    stop words are removed - could effect ability to detect if this is a question or answer
    - depends on import lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer() and from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    word_tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
    filtered_sentence = []
    for w in word_tokens:
        if w not in stop_words:
            filtered_sentence.append(w.lower())  # also set lowercase
    lem = []        
    for w in filtered_sentence:
    return lem    

def stematize(sentence):
    pass  in  a sentence as a string, return just core text stemmed
    stop words are removed - could effect ability to detect if this is a question or answer
    - depends on import sno = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer('english') and from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
    word_tokens = word_tokenize(sentence)
    filtered_sentence = []
    for w in word_tokens:
        if w not in stop_words:
    stemmed = []        
    for w in filtered_sentence:
    return stemmed    

# A wrapper function to put it all together - build a csv line to return
# A header string is also returned for optional use
def get_string(id,sentence,c="X"):
    header,output = "",""
    pos = get_pos(sentence)
    qMark = count_qmark(sentence) #count Qmarks before stripping punctuation
    sentence = strip_sentence(sentence)
    #lemmed = lemmatize(sentence)
    stemmed = stematize(sentence)
    wordCount = len(sentence.split())
    stemmedCount = len(stemmed)
    qVerbCombo = exists_pair_combos(VerbCombos,sentence)
    verbBeforeNoun = exists_vb_before_nn(pos)
    output = id + ","  + str(wordCount) + "," + str(stemmedCount) + "," + str(qVerbCombo)+ "," + str(qMark) + "," + str(verbBeforeNoun)
    header = header + "id,wordCount,stemmedCount,qVerbCombo,qMark,verbBeforeNoun"

    # list of POS-TYPES to count , generate a list of counts in the CSV line
    for ptype in ["VBG", "VBZ", "NNP", "NN", "NNS", "NNPS","PRP", "CD" ]:
        output = output + "," + str( count_POSType(pos,ptype) )
        header = header + "," + ptype

    output = output + "," + str(exists_stemmed_end_NN(stemmed))
    header = header + ",StemmedEndNN,"
    ## get Start Tuples and End Tuples Features ##
    startTuple,endTuple = get_first_last_tuples(sentence)

    l = exists_startTuple(startTuple)  #list [1/0] for exists / not exists
    output = output + "," + ",".join(str(i) for i in l)
    for i in range(0,len(l)):
        header = header + "startTuple" + str(i+1) + ","

    l = exists_endTuple(endTuple)  #list [1/0] for exists / not exists
    output = output + "," + ",".join(str(i) for i in l)
    for i in range(0,len(l)):
        header = header + "endTuple" + str(i+1) + ","

    ## look for special Triple Combinations ##
    triples = get_triples(pos)  # all the triple sequences in the sentence POS list

    l = exists_triples(triples, questionTriples)
    total = sum(l)
    output = output + "," + str(total)
    header = header + "qTripleScore" + ","

    l = exists_triples(triples, statementTriples)
    total = sum(l)
    output = output + "," + str(total)
    header = header + "sTripleScore" + ","

    output = output + "," + c  #Class Type on end
    header = header + "class"
    return output,header
# End of Get String wrapper   

# Build a dictionary of features
def features_dict(id,sentence,c="X"):
    features = {}
    pos = get_pos(sentence)
    features["id"] = id
    features["qMark"] = count_qmark(sentence) #count Qmarks before stripping punctuation
    sentence = strip_sentence(sentence)
    stemmed = stematize(sentence)
    startTuple,endTuple = get_first_last_tuples(sentence)
    features["wordCount"] = len(sentence.split())
    features["stemmedCount"] = len(stemmed)
    features["qVerbCombo"] = exists_pair_combos(VerbCombos,sentence)
    features["verbBeforeNoun"] = exists_vb_before_nn(pos)
    for ptype in ["VBG", "VBZ", "NNP", "NN", "NNS", "NNPS","PRP", "CD" ]:
        features[ptype] = count_POSType(pos,ptype)
    features["stemmedEndNN"] = exists_stemmed_end_NN(stemmed)
    l = exists_startTuple(startTuple)  #list [1/0] for exists / not exists
    for i in range(0,len(l)):
        features["startTuple" + str(i)] = l[i]

    l = exists_endTuple(endTuple)  #list [1/0] for exists / not exists
    for i in range(0,len(l)):
        features["endTuple" + str(i)] = l[i]
    ## look for special Triple Combinations ##
    triples = get_triples(pos)  # all the triple sequences in the sentence POS list
    l = exists_triples(triples, questionTriples)  # a list of 1/0 for hits on this triple-set
    features["qTripleScore"] = sum(l)  # add all the triple matches up to get a score
    l = exists_triples(triples, statementTriples) # Do same check for the Statement t-set
    features["sTripleScore"] = sum(l)  # add all the triple matches up to get a score
    features["class"] = c  #Class Type on end
    return features

# pass in dict, get back series 
def features_series(features_dict):
    for key in feature_keys:

    features_series = pd.Series(values)

    return features_series
## MAIN ##  
if __name__ == '__main__':

    #  ID, WordCount, StemmedCount, Qmark, VBG, StemmedEnd, StartTuples, EndTuples,   QuestionTriples, StatementTriples, Class
    #                                     [1/0] [NN-NN?]    [3 x binary] [3 x binary] [10 x binary]    [10 x binary]    


    c = "X"        # Dummy class
    header = ""
    output = ""

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        sentence = sys.argv[1]
        sentence = line[1]  
    id = hashlib.md5(str(sentence).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:16]

    features = features_dict(id,sentence, c)
    pos = get_pos(sentence)       #NLTK Parts Of Speech, duplicated just for the printout
    for key,value in features.items():
        print(key, value)
    #header string
    for key, value in features.items():
       header = header + ", " + key   #keys come out in a random order
       output = output + ", " + str(value)
    header = header[1:]               #strip the first ","" off
    output = output[1:]               #strip the first ","" off
    print("HEADER:", header)
    print("VALUES:", output)
5. Chatbot server is a multi-threaded server and it allows multiple clients to connect to it. Here is the code for
import socket
import threading
import os
from string import punctuation
import random
import re
import logging

import chatlogic
import helpers

LOGFILE = './log/server.log'
config = helpers.get_config()
toBool = lambda str: True if str == "True" else False 

DEBUG_SERVER = toBool(config["DEBUG"]["server"])
LOGGING_FMT = '%(asctime)s %(threadName)s %(message)s'

regexpYes = re.compile(r'yes')

    logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=logging.DEBUG, format=LOGGING_FMT)
    logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=logging.INFO, format=LOGGING_FMT)

def session(connection):
    # Get Config
    conf = helpers.get_config()
    DBHOST = conf["MySQL"]["server"] 
    DBUSER = conf["MySQL"]["dbuser"]
    DBNAME = conf["MySQL"]["dbname"]"Starting Bot session-thread...") 

    # Initialize the database connection"   session-thread connecting to database...")
    dbconnection = helpers.db_connection(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBNAME)
    dbcursor =  dbconnection.cursor()
    dbconnectionid = helpers.db_connectionid(dbcursor)"   ...connected")
    botSentence = 'Hello!'
    weight = 0
    trainMe = False
    checkStore = False
    def receive(connection):
        logging.debug("   receive(connection): PID {}, thread {} \n".format(pid, thread))
        received = connection.recv(1024)
        if not received:
            return False
            return received
    while True:
        pid = os.getpid()
        thread = threading.current_thread()
        # pass received message to chatbot
        received = receive(connection)
        humanSentence = received.decode().strip()
        if humanSentence == '' or humanSentence.strip(punctuation).lower() == 'quit' or humanSentence.strip(punctuation).lower() == 'exit':

        # Chatbot processing
        botSentence, weight, trainMe, checkStore = chatlogic.chat_flow(dbcursor, humanSentence, weight)
        logging.debug("   Received botSentence {} from chatbot.chat_flow".format(botSentence))
        if trainMe:
            logging.debug("   trainMe is True")
            send = "Please train me by entering some information for me to learn, or reply \"skip\" to skip' ".encode()
            previousSentence = humanSentence
            received = receive(connection)
            humanSentence = received.decode().strip()
            logging.debug("   trainMe received {}".format(humanSentence))
            if humanSentence != "skip":
                chatlogic.train_me(previousSentence, humanSentence, dbcursor)
                botSentence = "Thanks I have noted that"
                botSentence = "OK, moving on..."
                trainMe = False
        if checkStore:
            logging.debug("CheckStore is True")
            send = 'Shall I store this information as a fact for future reference?  (Reply "yes" to store)'.encode()
            previousSentence = humanSentence
            received = receive(connection)
            humanSentence = received.decode().strip()
            logging.debug("   checkStore received {}".format(humanSentence))
                #Store previous Sentence
                logging.debug("   Storing...")
                chatlogic.store_statement(previousSentence, dbcursor)
                logging.debug("   Statement Stored.")
                botSentence = random.choice(chatlogic.STATEMENT_STORED)
                botSentence = "OK, moving on..."
                checkStore = False

        logging.debug("   sending botSentence back: {}".format(botSentence))
        send = botSentence.encode()

        connection.send(send)"   Closing Session")

if __name__ == "__main__":"-----------------------------")"--  Starting the BotServer     --")
    print("Starting the Server...")
    print("Logging to: ", LOGFILE)
    LISTEN_HOST = config["Server"]["listen_host"]
    LISTEN_PORT = int(config["Server"]["tcp_socket"])
    LISTEN_QUEUE = int(config["Server"]["listen_queue"])
    # Set up the listening socket
    sckt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sckt.bind((LISTEN_HOST, LISTEN_PORT))
    print("...Socket has been set up")"Server Listener set up on port " + str(LISTEN_PORT))
    # Accept connections in a loop
    while True:"Main Server waiting for a connection")
        (connection, address) = sckt.accept()"Connect Received " + str(connection) + " " + str(address))
        t = threading.Thread(target = session, args=[connection])
        t.setDaemon(True)  #set to Daemon status, allows CTRL-C to kill all threads
        t.start()"Closing Server listen socket on " + str(LISTEN_PORT))
6. Code for a simple client that connects to the bot server is present in Here is
import socket
import select
import argparse

# arg-parse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Interactive Chat Client using TCP Sockets')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--addr',  dest = 'host', default = 'vhost1', help='remote host-name or IP address', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-p', '--port',  dest = 'port', type = int, default = 3333, help='TCP port', required=True)

args = parser.parse_args()
PORT = args.port

sckt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_address = (ADDR, PORT)

print("Connecting to the server", ADDR, "at port", PORT)
print('Enter "quit" to Quit.')

sckt.connect((ADDR, PORT))
while True:
    #Check that our connection is still alive before trying  to do anything
        ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error =[sckt,], [sckt,], [], 5)
    except select.error:
        sckt.shutdown(2)    # 0 = done receiving, 1 = done sending, 2 = both
        print('connection error')

    l = 0
    while l < 1 :      #put this loop in to check message has text ... catches strange CR issue on windows
        message = input('>>> ').strip()
        l = len(message)
    if (message == "exit" or message == "quit"):


print("Connection closed")

Step 4: Create file: is used to to build and install the application. Add basic information about the application in Once you have this file created, you can build and install the application using the commands:
python build
python install
Here is
from setuptools import setup

      description='A Smart NLP Chatbot'

Run Application:

        We need to run the server and client for the SmartBot to be fully functional. Here are the steps to run it in Anaconda Prompt.

1. To run the server application, in Anaconda Prompt, navigate to your project location and execute the command:
2. To run the client application, in Anaconda Prompt, navigate to your project location and execute the command:
python -a localhost -p 3333

Here are the steps to run it in Intellij IDE.
1. To run the server application in Intellij IDE, right click the file and click Run 'server'
2. To run client application in your IDE use:
    Script parameters: -a localhost -p 3333

Sample Chat:

(base) D:\projects\gitprojects\SmartBot>python -a localhost -p 3333
Connecting to the server localhost at port 3333
Enter "quit" to Quit.
>>> There is a technical blog named as Software Developer Central.
Shall I store this information as a fact for future reference?  (Reply "yes" to
>>> yes
Thanks for telling me that.
>>> Aj Tech Developer is the author of the blog Software Developer Central.
Shall I store this information as a fact for future reference?  (Reply "yes" to
>>> yes
Thanks for telling me that.
>>> It has posts on topics such as Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Angular
 5, Dropwizard, Akka HTTP, Play Framework and other trending and popular technol
Shall I store this information as a fact for future reference?  (Reply "yes" to
>>> yes
Thanks for telling me that.
>>> Hello
Please train me by entering some information for me to learn, or reply "skip" to
>>> Hello!!!
Thanks I have noted that
>>> Hello
>>> What is the name of the blog?

There is a technical blog named as Software Developer Central.
>>> What posts does it have?

It has posts on topics such as Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Angular 5,
Dropwizard, Akka HTTP, Play Framework and other trending and popular technologie
>>> Who is the author?

Aj Tech Developer is the author of the blog Software Developer Central.
>>> quit
Connection closed
From the conversation above you can see how the SmartBot is working in its 3 modes: Chat Mode, Question Mode and Statement Mode.


    In this post I have explained in simple steps as to how you can build your own NLP and Machine Learning chatbot. The code used in this post is available on GitHub.
    Learn the most popular and trending technologies like Machine Learning, Angular 5, Internet of Things (IoT), Akka HTTP, Play Framework, Dropwizard, Docker, Netflix Eureka, Netflix Zuul, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot and Flask in simple steps by reading my most popular blog posts at Software Developer Central.
    If you like my post, please feel free to share it using the share button just below this paragraph or next to the heading of the post. You can also tweet with #SoftwareDeveloperCentral on Twitter. To get a notification on my latest posts or to keep the conversation going, you can follow me on Twitter. Please leave a note below if you have any questions or comments. 


  1. Hi, i have this problem when running the

    File "", line 44, in
    ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

    may I know what happen?Thank you

    1. Hi @JIA JIE PANG
      What version of Python are you using? I am using version 3.6.3. Usually older version of Python gives this error.

    2. hi. I'm using version 3.6.4. But it still come out with error.

      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 42, in
      UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 25: invalid start byte

  2. I like your chatbot very much. Just have a question ... You trained getting data from featuredump.csv file . My concern is where are you getting this file and how is the calculation

    1. Hi @mcc.jeppiaar mcc_jeppiaar
      I had missed adding a few files to the project structure. Thanks for pointing that out. I have now added those files.
      I have created a CSV file with sentences that have been classified into S - Sentence, Q - Question, C - Clause
      This CSV is named as classifySentences.csv and can be found in the data folder in the project structure.
      I am then using the code in to read a CSV of sentences that have been classified (classifySentences.csv) and dump out the features using into a Dump CSV (featuresDump.csv). I have added these details in my blog post under the heading: Creation of Training Data.


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