REST API using Play Framework with Java
REST API using Play Framework with Java Introduction In the latest Play 2.6 release, they have decided not to support Activator. I was searching online for a basic application in the latest Play 2.6 release . But I could not find any post or tutorial . Hence I decided to come up with this post. In this post, we will be creating an Application using Play Framework in Java with GET, POST, PUT and DELETE APIs for CRUD operations on an Employee Entity class. To keep things simple, all data will be kept in memory in a simple map. Play as a framework does support UI as well, however in this tutorial we will be focusing only on the services part and not the UI. Play Framework Play Framework is built on Akka and is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture. Play provides predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalab...